Technical Skills

Cartography and GIS

Mapbox GL JS, ArcGIS Online JavaScript API, Leaflet, D3, CARTO, Google Maps Javascript API, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, ArcGIS, ArcPad, Trimble Terrasync, QGIS, Mapbox, CartoCSS

Programming Skills

Javascript, Python, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Regex, Command Line


Blog Chef

Web Entrepreneur, January 2008 - Present. Marquette, MI.

    Self-startup business entrepreneur; responsible for website design, maintenance, and obtaining commission-based pay; preparation of food in a visually appealing manner, photographing, and posting to online website with written instructions.

Superior Watershed Partnership

Intern, January 2014-May 2014. Marquette, MI.

    Responsible for contacting Upper Peninsula zoning administrators and compiling riparian zoning requirements into a database in order to support project leaders with information for standardized zoning requirements; results of research were then converted into GIS map format for visual presentation.


Noquemenon Trail Network

Map Designer, October 2015 - January 2016. Marquette, MI.

    Sole creator of ski trail network reference maps for a non-profit organization using ArcMap.

City of Ishpeming

Map Designer, January 2016-May 2016. Ishpeming, MI.

    Responsible for using data collected and designing a reference map for starting points on local ski trails.


University of Wisconsin-Madison

    M.S. in GIS and Web Map Programming

    Graduated May 2018

Northern Michigan University

    B.S. in Geomatics

    Graduated December 2014